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Delta Strumenti S.r.l. a socio unico
21036 Gemonio (Italy)
Via Mattei 6
+0039 0332 604667

Sunshine Recorder acc. to Campbell-Stokes

Registers the sunshine duration over one day. A cut glass sphere focuses the sun's rays and leave an image line on the strip chart. The length of the image corresponds to the duration of sunshine. The shipment includes the following charts:
140 sheets for summer, 140 sheets for winter, 100 sheets for spring and autumn.

Order Code  
7.1400.10.000 Northern and southern equatorial zone 0 - 40°
7.1405.10.000 Northern and southern hemisphere 25 - 60 °
  Measuring value sunshine duration
Degree of latitude adjustable
Recording period 1 day per strip chart
Dimensions 205 x 185 x 145 mm
Weight 5 kg