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Delta Strumenti S.r.l. a socio unico
21036 Gemonio (Italy)
Via Mattei 6
+0039 0332 604667

Sunshine Indicator SDE

Instrument to measure the global radiation and the sunshine duration.
The threshold of sunshine duration is stated by the German Weather Service (DWD) with 120 W/m². The sensor delivers a digital Yes-/No-information for the sunshine duration and a voltage as information for the global radiation. The measurement is cos-corrected.
Delivery includes calibration certificate.

Order Code    
7.1420.00.000 Measuring range Global 0 -ca. 1300 W/m²
  Spectral range 0,38 µm -1,1 µm
Max. spectr. sensitivity. 0,78 µm
Temperature range -30°C - +60°C
Linearity < 1 %
cos-correction error f2 < 3%
Signal output 0 - 5 V (global rad.)
Operating voltage 10 V - 24V DC
Sunshine duration yes 4,5 V - 5,0 V
no 0 V - 0,6 V
Threshold 120 W/m²
Diffusor PTFE
Cable 5 m long
Dimensions Ø 80 mm, 82 mm high
Weight 0,3 kg