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Delta Strumenti S.r.l. a socio unico
21036 Gemonio (Italy)
Via Mattei 6
+0039 0332 604667

Silicon UVB Sensor E 1.C

Measuring transmitter for short-wave radiation which might cause irreversible damages of the human skin.
The relative spectral sensitivity of the sensor correspond to the erythema-curve acc. to DIN 5050.
this sensor acquires exactly the skin-damaging components of this spectral range.
Delivery includes calibration certificate

electrical output 0 - 20 mA
4 - 20 mA
0 - 5 V
0 - 10 V
  meas. Range 0 - ca. 0,5 W /m²
spectral range 0,265 - 0,315 µm
max. spectral sensitivity 0,297 µm
temperature range -30°C - + 60°C
switch-on time < 1sec
switch-off time < 12sec
cos-correction Fehler f2 < 3 %
linearity < 1%
absolute error < 10 %
operating voltage for outpu 10 V
10 -24 V DC
14 -24 V AC
cable 5 m long
dimensions Ø 42 x 90 mm
weight 0,3 kg