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Delta Strumenti S.r.l. a socio unico
21036 Gemonio (Italy)
Via Mattei 6
+0039 0332 604667

Silicon Net Radiometer NR Lite

The instrument serves to measure the net radiation, the difference between the total radiation from above (solar radiation and long-wave atmospheric counter-radiation) and the total radiation from below (short-wave reflection radiation and long-wave radiation of the earth)
The output signal is in proportion to the net radiation and can be interpreted as radiation energy, which is absorbed from the earth's surface.

Order No  
7.1415.40.000 Measuring range -200 - +1500 W/m²
  Sensitivity 10 µV/ W/ m²
  Spectral range 0,2 - 100 µm
  Response time 20 s
  Sensor type Thermocouples
  Ambient temp. -30 - +70°C
  Cable 3 m lang
  Dimensions Ø 80 mm
  Support Arm Ø 16 x 400 mm
  Weight 0,26 kg