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Delta Strumenti S.r.l. a socio unico
21036 Gemonio (Italy)
Via Mattei 6
+0039 0332 604667

Sensor CSD3 Sunshine duration

Instrument to measure the sunshine duration and direct radiation. The sunshine duration is defined as period, in which the direct solar radiationexceeds the threshold of > 120 W/m². The sensor sends a digital Yes/No-information for the sunshine duration, and a voltage as information for thedirect radiation. Delivery includes a test certificate.

Order Code  
7.1421.03.000 With heating
Sunshine duration


120 W/m²
Electr. output yes 1 ± 0,1 V DC
no 0 ± 0,1 V DC
Direct Radiation Meas. range 1000 W/m²
Electr. output 0 – 1 V DC
  Ambient temp. -40°C - +70 °C
Operating voltage 12 V DC / 0,1 W
Heating voltage 12 V DC / 1 W or
12 V DC / 10 W
Cable 15 m long
  Dimensions 294 x 131 mm
  weight 1,2 kg