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Delta Strumenti S.r.l. a socio unico
21036 Gemonio (Italy)
Via Mattei 6
+0039 0332 604667


Portable Low Temperature Blackbody Calibration Source

With very large surface area. Ambient +5 up to 450 °C or 842 °F

Key Features

  • Excellent general purpose calibration
  • High emissivity 1.00 effective at 8-14um
  • Highly uniform
  • Large aperture (3” diameter)
  • High accuracy, high resolution
  • Excellent stability 0.3 °C per 8 hour period
  • Manufactured and tested to meet rigid quality control standards
  • Furnished with certificate of calibration traceable to NIST
  • RS232 serial communication (included) 


The M310HT is a portable blackbody calibration source utilizing a digital indicating temperature controller that may be set to any temperature between ambient +5 °C and 450°C (842 °F). A precision RTD temperature sensor is embedded in the blackbody emitter providing high accuracy and repeatability.

The temperature controller uses the industry standard PID algorithms to control the emitter temperature to within +/-0.3 °C. The blackbody emitter mechanism uses a resistive heating device that provides long life, short stabilization times, and stable temperature control.

Temperature set points are altered simply by pressing the up or down arrow buttons on the controller. The lower display (green) is the set point and the upper display (red) is the actual blackbody emitter temperature.

Typical Calibration Applications

  • Infrared Temperature Sensors
  • Infrared Thermal Imaging Systems
  • Spectrographic Analyzers
  • Radiometers
  • Flux Meters