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Delta Strumenti S.r.l. a socio unico
21036 Gemonio (Italy)
Via Mattei 6
+0039 0332 604667

Element CO2

The Element CO2 is a wireless data logger that measures and records carbon dioxide, humidity, and temperature levels in a variety of applications. This data logger is ideal for use in air quality studies as well as monitoring growing environments, providing growers with a complete profile of factors affecting plants.

The Element CO2 data logger comes with a 16 ft cable connected to the CO2 sensor, making it ideal for placement around grow rooms or greenhouses to ensure optimum levels. The logger features an LCD screen which provides instant access to current readings, as well as minimum, maximum, and average statistics.


Internal Channel Temperature Sensor Silicon
Internal Channel Temperature Range 0 °C to +55 °C 
Internal Channel Temperature Resolution 0.08 °C 
Internal Channel Temperature Calibrated Accuracy ±1.0 °C


Humidity Sensor Silicon
Humidity Range 0 %RH to 95 %RH
Humidity Resolution 0.08 %RH
Humidity Calibrated Accuracy ±3.0 %RH from 25 %RH to 75 %RH @ 25 °C, 7 %RH otherwise


Carbon Dioxide Range 0 ppm to 200,000 ppm
Carbon Dioxide Resolution 10 ppm
Carbon Dioxide Accuracy ±70 ppm + 5% of range (add 8ppm per day from reset)


RF Baud Rate 250,000
Output Power +0 dBm typical
Receiver Sensitivity -95 dBm typical
Typical outdoors Line of sight Up to 2000 ft
Typical Indoors line of sight Up to 500 ft