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Delta Strumenti S.r.l. a socio unico
21036 Gemonio (Italy)
Via Mattei 6
+0039 0332 604667

DA 6000-C

The DA 6000-C is a fast P- controller including a precise digital LED indicator. The unit is optimised for being used with IMPAC digital pyrometers for non contact temperature measurement.

The integrated controller has a cycle time of 1 ms which enables the control of fast induction processes. The pyrometer is connected to the DA 6000-C via an anlogue current input to record the actual value. Two setpoints (SP1 and SP2) are used to build up the control system. The control in effect is built-on with an adjustable hysteresis starting at 2°C around Setpoint 2. The setpoint 1 could be used to realise customer specific functions.

The control output (reference value) is an analogue output (4...20 mA or 0...20 mA, selectable) which can be limited from 1 to 99% to e.g. reduce the power output of an induction generator to 50% while keeping the control span at maximum.

The current temperature values of the connected pyrometers are given to the software InfraWin via RS232. This software-package comes along with the DA 6000-C. A second RS232 interface gives the software the reference values of the DA 6000-C controller. Both data streams are visualised by InfraWin for further optimization of the conrol system.
The software InfraWin automatically detects all digital IMPAC pyrometers and allows the full configuration of all pyrometer parameters. The DA 6000-C parameters like e.g. setpoints, hysteresis and temperature range can be configured directly with the unit or as well with the InfraWin software.

  • Indication of actual value: 5-digit 7-segment LED-display
  • Parameter indication: 4-digit dot matrix LED-display
  • 1. Analogue interface: 0/4 ... 20 mA, output, reference value
  • 2. Analogue interface: 0/4 ... 20 mA, input, actual value
  • Digital Interface: RS232 to give out the reference value to a PC running InfraWin