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Delta Strumenti S.r.l. a socio unico
21036 Gemonio (Italy)
Via Mattei 6
+0039 0332 604667


The M1-7VR4A.0005.770CD is a 4-digit meter for length/level measuring via potentiometer >1kOhm to <1000kOhm and a visual limit value monitoring via the display. The configura...
The M1-6VR4B.0005.570BD is a 4-digit meter for length-/level measuring via Potentiometer >1kOhm to <1000kOhm and a visual limit value monitoring via the display. The configur...
The M1-3VR4B.0005.570DD is a 4-digit meter for length and level measuring via potentio- meter >1kOhm to <1000kOhm and a visual limit value monitoring via the display. The con...
The M1-1VR4B.0005.570CD is a 4-digit meter for length and level measurement via potentio- meter >1 kOhm up to <1000 kOhm and a visual limit value monitoring via the display. ...