Kit Calibrazione di Pressione

Pneumatic Pressure Test Pump LR-Cal LPP40Pressure ranges from -1...0 bar to 0...40 barReference: analogue LR-Cal LPP-MANOAccuracy ±1% FS Pressure Calibration Kit With analogue re...
Hydraulic Pressure Test Pump LR-Cal LPP 700 or LR-Cal LPP 1000Pressure ranges from 0...60 bar to 0...1000 barReference: analogue LR-Cal LPP-MANOAccuracy ±0.6% resp. ±1% FSLPP-KIT P...
KOMBI-Kit (pneumatic AND hydraulic)1 pneumatic + 1 hydraulic pressure test pumpPressure ranges from -1.0 bar to 0...1000 bar2 analogue LR-Cal LPP-MANOAccuracy ±0.6% resp. ±1% FS L...
Pneumatic Pressure Test Pump LR-Cal LPP 40Pressure ranges from -1...+1,5 bar to 0...40 barReferenz: digitales LR-Cal LDM 70-K50Accuracy ±0.25% FS LPP-KIT Pressure Calibration Kit ...
Hydraulic Pressure Test Pump LR-Cal LPP 700 or LR-Cal LPP 1000Pressure ranges from 0...60 bar to 0...600 barReferenz: digitales LR-Cal LDM 70-K50Accuracy ±0.25% FS LPP-KIT Pressur...
KOMBI-Kit (pneumatic AND hydraulic)1 pneumatic + 1 hydraulic pressure test pumpPressure ranges from -1.0 bar to 0...600 bar2 digitale Referenzmanometer LR-Cal LDM 70-K50Accuracy ±0...
Pneumatic Pressure Test Pump LR-Cal LPP 40Pressure ranges from 0...0,1 bar to 0...50 barReference: digital LR-Cal LDM 80Accuracy ±0.2% FS LPP-KIT Pressure Calibration Kit With di...
Hydraulic Pressure Test Pump LR-Cal LPP 700 or LR-Cal LPP 1000Pressure ranges from 0...50 bar to 0...1000 barReference: digital LR-Cal LDM 80Accuracy ±0.2% FS LPP-KIT Pressure Cal...
KOMBI-Kit (pneumatic AND hydraulic)1 pneumatic + 1 hydraulic pressure test pumpPressure ranges from 0...0,1 bar to 0...1000 bar2 digital gauges LR-Cal LDM 80Accuracy ±0.2% FS LPP-...
Pneumatic Pressure Test Pump LR-Cal LPP 40Pressure ranges from 0...0,1 bar to 0...50 barReference: digital LR-Cal LDM 80+KL01Accuracy ±0.1% FS LPP-KIT Pressure Calibration Kit Wi...
Hydraulic Pressure Test Pump LR-Cal LPP 700 or LR-Cal LPP 1000Pressure ranges from 0...50 bar to 0...1000 barReference: digital LR-Cal LDM 80+KL01Accuracy ±0.1% FS LPP-KIT Pressur...
KOMBI-Kit (pneumatic AND hydraulic)1 pneumatic + 1 hydraulic pressure test pumpPressure ranges from 0...0,1 bar to 0...1000 bar2 digital reference gauges LR-Cal LDM 80+KL01Accuracy...
Pneumatic Pressure Test Pump LR-Cal LPP 40Pressure ranges from 0...0,1 bar to 0...50 barReference: digital LR-Cal TLDMM 2.0Accuracy ±0.05% FS LPP-KIT Pressure Calibration Kit Wit...
Hydraulic Pressure Test Pump LR-Cal LPP 700 or LR-Cal LPP 1000Pressure ranges from 0...50 bar to 0...1000 barReference: digital LR-Cal TLDMM 2.0Accuracy ±0.05% FS LPP-KIT Pressure...
KOMBI-Kit (pneumatic AND hydraulic)1 pneumatic + 1 hydraulic pressure test pumpPressure ranges from 0...0,1 bar to 0...1000 bar2 digital reference gauges LR-Cal TLDMM 2.0Accuracy ±...
Pneumatic Pressure Test Pump LR-Cal LPP 40Pressure ranges from 0...0,1 bar to 0...50 barReference: hanheld LR-Cal LHMAccuracy ±0.1 or 0.05% FS LPP-KIT Pressure Calibration Kit Wi...
Hydraulic Pressure Test Pump LR-Cal LPP 700 or LR-Cal LPP 1000Pressure ranges from 0...50 bar to 0...1000 barReference: digital handheld LR-Cal LHMAccuracy ±0.1 or 0.05% FS LPP-KI...
KOMBI-Kit (pneumatic AND hydraulic)1 pneumatic + 1 hydraulic pressure test pumpPressure ranges from 0,01 bar to 0...1000 bar1 digital handheld LR-Cal LHM and 1 additional sensorAcc...
Pneumatic Pressure Test Pump LR-Cal LPP 40Pressure ranges from -1...0 bar to 0...40 barReference: Calibrator LR-Cal LPC 200 and 1 sensor LR-Cal LPC-2Accuracy ±0.025% FS LPP-KIT Pr...
Hydraulic Pressure Test Pump LR-Cal LPP 700 or LR-Cal LPP 1000Pressure ranges from 0...60 bar to 0...1000 barReference: Calibrator LR-Cal LPC 200 and 1 sensor LR-Cal LPC-2Accuracy ...
KOMBI-Kit (pneumatic AND hydraulic)1 pneumatic + 1 hydraulic pressure test pumpPressure ranges from -1...0 bar to 0...1000 bar1 Calibrator LR-Cal LPC 200 and 2 sensors LR-Cal LPC-2...