Problem: Temperature-Hot-Spots on the kiln-shell give informations about defects of the kiln brick lining. Low-temperature zones within the brick lining rang...
Problem: During recycling of scrap aluminium in all forms, the delivered mixed scrap is melted in high-volume ovens (rotary kilns) with the addition of chloride salts and fluorspa...
Problems: During the Waelz process, among other, the following problems may have occurred: - Temperature of process is too high - Slagging of the furnace output - Clumping of W...
Online-Wärmebilderfassung des Klinkerrostes im Zement-Klinkerkühler Problematik Online-Überwachung der Abkühlkennlinien des Klinkers auf dem Kühlerrost. Frü...
CMVINC – 640N Hochauflösende IR-Brennraumkamera für die Temperaturmessung in der Sinterzone im Zementdrehrohrofen Problematik Online-Temperatur-Überwachung des Klinkers in der S...
Mobile IR furnace camera with 384 x 288 pixels, depending on the application, with 3.9 microns filter for luminous flames in temperature ranges from 300 to 1800 ° C including water...