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Delta Strumenti S.r.l. a socio unico
21036 Gemonio (Italy)
Via Mattei 6
+0039 0332 604667

Pyranometer CMP 3

Measuring value transmitter for the determination of the global radiation.
The instrument can be used also as Albedometer.
The instrument is "second class" according to WMO and ISO 9060.
Delivery includes calibration certificate.

Order Code 
7.1415.03.003 Measuring range 0 - 2000 W/m²
  Sensitivity 5 - 20 µV/W/m²
Spectral range 0,31 - 2,8 µm
Non-linearity 2,5 % (0 - 1000 W/m²)
Internal resistance 20 - 200 Ohm
Time constant 18s
Sensor type 64 Thermocouples
Ambient temp. - 40 - + 80°C
Cable 10 m long
Dimensions Ø 110 x 68 mm
Weight 0,35 kg